About admin
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud admin contributed a whooping 16 entries.
Entries by admin
Letter From Dee Sulick – Blessed in Naples
February 15, 2020 in Issues, Uncategorized /by adminDear City of Naples Residents, We are all blessed to live in this vibrant community, it was my honor to serve as your Council Member and Vice Mayor. My term in office (2008-2016) gives me unique perspective on the candidates now running for Mayor. Several important issues have boiled to the surface during the campaign […]
Naples Beach Hotel Reality
February 13, 2020 in Accomplishments, Issues, Uncategorized /by adminKeep the small-town feel in Naples
February 13, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminLetter to the editor published February 11, 2020 ‘Keep the small-town feel’ in Naples Naples has been fortunate, for the most part, to have a history of dedicated citizens we have elected to public office. In my 40 years (and four generations) as a resident, I’ve had opportunities to share my ideas with elected officials. […]
Replanting of Trees
February 12, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminHundreds of trees have been replanted. The City of Naples urban forest consists of 20,120 managed hardwood trees and palms on streets, rightsof-way, parks and other public property. In order to develop a comprehensive assessment of the City’s forest plan, an inventory of all trees and palms located on City property was carried out between […]
Revitalized Downtown
February 12, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminNew Fire Station Cat 5 Safe
February 12, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminThe City of Naples is committed to providing a safe workplace for its first responders as well as strengthening the City’s critical infrastructure and facilities in order to ensure professional, effective and proficient long-term operations within our community. On May 22, 2019 the City held a ribbon cutting for Fire Administration/Fire Station No. 1. Since […]
Financial Accountability
February 12, 2020 in Accomplishments, Issues, Uncategorized /by adminFor the 38th consecutive year, the City has earned the Certificate of Achievement for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) from the Government Finance Officers Association for last year’s audit. The Certificate recognizes the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. The 2019-20 budget was adopted in September 2019 using a millage rate of 1.18 mills, […]
Beach Preserve
February 12, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminNaples Beaches are the perfect place for nature lovers who want to enjoy the beautiful warm water of the Gulf of Mexico while being surrounded by a beautiful natural preserve. The beach preserve extends along the whole coastline of the city of Naples and is home to many kinds of plants and species of animals, […]
Armored Police Vehicle
February 12, 2020 in Uncategorized /by adminThe City of Naples Police Department also acquired Armored Police Vehicles to take the protection of the community to the next level. If an incident occurs, the armored vehicles will protect officers and the public, rather than having to duck behind a vehicle to avoid injury and plan a defense. This effort alights with the […]