
  • The city has fast tracked the removal of pollution from the beaches with the outfalls being placed in the city drainage system.
  • Progress has been made working with Collier County to complete phase one of septic tank removal, which is the number one cause of harmful discharges.
  •  Removal of massive debris and cleaned up oyster beds in Naples Bay.
  • Accelerated street cleaning which keeps organic debris from clogging drains and removing unwanted nutrients into Naples Bay.

Basin V Stormwater Improvements

The goal of this project is to improve the stormwater system along 8th Terrace North in the Lake Park Neighborhood where several houses have experienced major flooding in recent years. Several new stormwater pipe segments were added on 8th Terrace N and Forest Avenue which flow into the stormwater pond known locally as Willow Lake.

The existing pipe network into and out of the lake are also being replaced with larger pipes as part of this project. Additional water quality improvements include over 2,000 linear feet of reclaimed swales.

Naples Bay Restoration and Quality Improvement

Construction of the Naples Bay Restoration and Water Quality Improvements Project at the Cove kicked off in May of 2019.  The goal of the project was to remove approximately 1,000 tons of material in Naples Bay just downstream of the Cove Stormwater Pump Station that has accumulated over decades.

After removal of the material, the channel was armored with various layers of rip-rap and a “Living Shoreline” was created on the south side of the Cove consisting of oyster bags and spartina plantings. The sidewalk along the seawall was improved with landscaping, irrigation, benches, trash receptacles, and 2 educational signs.

This project received the Envision® Silver Award for sustainable infrastructure from The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). The project delivers a heightened range of environmental, social, and economic benefits to Naples and surrounding communities

Oyster Reef Restoration Project

The goals of this project are to:

  • Restore a portion of the oyster reef community.
  • Improve shoreline resiliency through protection from storm and wake surge.
  • Improve water quality through restoration of filter-feeders. • Restore other ecological components e.g. fish and invertebrate populations.
  • Increase community awareness of the benefits and ecosystem services provided by living shorelines.

Continuing Naples Lakes Restoration

Shortly after the adoption of the 2018 Stormwater Master Plan, an update to the Stormwater Lakes Management Plan was initiated with the following goals:

  1. Review existing stormwater lake assessment data;
  2. Update the stormwater lakes water and sediment quality database;
  3. Incorporate input from adjacent property owners regarding the health and status of the lakes;
  4. Re-prioritize lake restoration need based on lake impairments and impacts to downstream waterbodies;
  5. Provide updated recommendations, best management practices, and funding strategies.

Concurrently, questions and concerns pertaining to Spring Lake (Lake #11) were addressed. Spring Lake is a 4.9-acre stormwater detention pond located near the center of the City. Spring Lake was identified in the 2012

Lake Management Plan as a high priority pollutant loading lake; however, the lake does not have clear ownership. While the City maintains historical rights to send stormwater from upland areas to the lake and by way of the public stormsewer system, ownership of the land underlying the water of the lake lies with some other person(s), heir(s), or other entity. Over time, vast quantities of stormwater have flowed through the land, forming the lake, and depositing pollutants.

Goals of the Spring Lake Restoration Assessment were:

  1. Delineate the watershed for Spring Lake;
  2. Define all properties within the watershed and their individual drainage contribution to Spring Lake;
  3. Provides recommendations for restoration approaches and the logistics for a dredge project;
  4. Evaluate the options available to the City for developing a revenue source for a restoration project and possibly ongoing maintenance.

Revision of the Fertilizer Ordinance

Revisions included implementation of a wet season ban and a ban on fertilizer containing phosphorus (unless a soil test shows a deficiency).

Development of outreach materials is underway for distribution to City residents and landscapers

What it takes:

A major environmental project along our precious beaches requires a study, coordination, public involvement and a larg financial investment. All of these take time to do it right and secure resident buy in. Progress is slowed due to State and Federal permitting that is required. Best practices have to be implemented and then properly funded. Collier County has had other priorities such as building a new road construction, regional park, workforce training center, a mental health facility and improvements to public safety.

Timeline of actions taken:

  • 2005: FDEP says…“City shall have a plan to remove outfalls”
  • 2006: Beach Renourishment project implemented to help recover from Wilma
  • 2007 –10: The Great Recession forced all Governments to redirect dollars to prop up local economy
  • 2009: Conceptual Stormwater Management Analysis Report by Collier County;
  • 2010: Coastal Impact Assessment & Management Report by City of Naples
  • 2011 –12: Collaboration with FDEP and Collier County to obtain permits and approvals
  • 2012: City modifies SW Master Plan committing to mitigate impacts of outfalls;
  • 2012-13: Outfall removal alternatives report -“Beach Outfall Management Evaluation.”
  • April 2013: City Council direction for sub-aqueous, deep ocean outfall
  • 2015: Beach Outfall Removal Design (Erickson Consulting Engineers)
  • Aug. 2015 –Agreement with ECE, Inc.;
  • June 2016 -30% report & City Council consensus for 100% design & permitting;
  • Nov. 2016 –Amendment #1 ECE, Inc.;
  • September 2017—Hurricane Irma
  • Dec. 2018 –60% report & City Council consensus for advancing construction; moving generator location; pursuing complete streets;
    look at raising road elevation as sea levels rise; and pursue active community involvement.
  • Jun. 2019 –Amendment #2 ECE, Inc.