8th Street Improvements

The 8th Street Corridor Improvement Project commenced construction on April 22, 2019. The complete project extends from 5th Avenue South to 7th Avenue North and includes 3rd Avenue South from 8th Street to 9th Street (US41). The construction has been broken up into 2 phases.

Phase 1, the south portion, includes 5th Avenue South to Central Avenue and was reopened to traffic on November 1, 2019. Phase 1 work included converting the signalized intersection at 3rd Avenue South and 8th Street South to a roundabout with increased safety features at the pedestrian crosswalks.

The project also included utility, landscape, on-street parking modifications, and stormwater drainage improvements. Multimodal improvements include bike lanes, improved bus pull-off areas, and wider sidewalks. Significant coordination was made with businesses within and near the project boundaries prior to and during the construction.

The north section of the project under Phase 2 will commence in April 2020.

The Utilities Department coordinated the design and construction of utility improvements in conjunction with Phase 1 of the 8th Street Improvement project. A total of 4,600 LF of new 12” PVC sanitary sewer force main was installed which provides alternative routing in the event the existing force main downstream of the City’s master pump station 49 is offline.

Water Distribution System improvements included upgrades and looped connections to several antiquated and undersized water mains, new fire hydrants installations, and potable water service line replacements throughout the construction corridor.