Baker Park Opens to Reve Reviews

The construction of The Patty and Jay Baker Park continued during FY 2018-19 and was completed on time and under budget. Many members of the public, dignitaries, elected officials, staff and Patty and Jay Baker were in attendance.
Mayor Bill Barnett spoke briefly and talked about Baker Park’s legacy to future generations. He said “A park in this spot has been a dream for years, different plans came and went, but Baker Park, this park is a dream that became a reality today”
Jay and Patty Baker who made the initial and largest single contribution said “ A recent survey showed that 95% of people voted that parks are the best place to spend time, in today’s world when do you get 95% of people to agree on anything?, But the residents and visitors of the City of Naples have not just a park but the best park”
“This park is second to none” said Community Services Director Dana Souza, who has been working on this park for the past 3½ years.
The southern and eastern portions of the Park opened to the public in March 2019 while the remainder of the Park was opened in October. Baker Park’s landform is unique, as the park was designed in the pastoral vernacular and is very much a landscape park with designed undulations and interesting features.
The dominant landscape feature is the ‘knoll’ which will offer a unique view of the Gordon River and the Park. The pathway system easily connects people with Naples downtown to the west and the Gordon River Greenway to the west and north. Encompassing 15.5 acres, The Patty and Jay Baker Park is the second-largest park in the City of Naples.